
This is the second (big) release from Elizabeth Hargrave of Wingspan fame. The flying critters this time are butterflys. It’s about their migration from Eastern USA to Mexico and back (although the butterflys individually only make a one-way trip). It has more of a set collection vibe and is a bit simpler than Wingspan as well.
Release date August 2020

Probably the big brain burner Euro of the year. By the people who made Tzolk’in and Teuotihuacan, they bring you another game that’s hard to say…
Release date August 2020
Wingspan Oceania Expansion

More birds from Down Under. It’ll be similar to the European expansion I’m sure.
Release Date Approx December 2020
Pandemic Legacy Season 0

A prequel set in the 60’s with a cold war vibe. Early reviews put it as the best of the bunch with the feeling being that the designers have built on and learnt from each version.
Release Date late October 2020
A Game of Cat and Mouth

It’s by your peeps from Exploding Kittens; the blurb says its:
“A fiercely competitive magnet-powered, highly-addicting pinball’ish game from the creators of Exploding Kittens. It’s like playing pinball with slingshots – A Cat Paw Slingshot.”
That’s all I can tell you, did you expect anything less? I’m sure it’ll be jolly fun.
Release Date End October 2020
The Castles of Tuscany

A spiritual follow up to the Castles of Burgundy, seen by many gamers as one of the best 2-player games ever (it plays to 4, but most feel its too long at that player count). Other than it is a bit similar to CoB, I know nothing including release date, although tradition would assume an Essen timeline, so I’m going with…
Release Date Early November 2020
Sleeping Gods

Woof, this one looks very interesting, I’ll just plop down the blurb for this one:
“In Sleeping Gods, you and up to 3 friends become Captain Sofi Odessa and her crew, lost in a strange world in 1929 on your steamship, the Manticore. You must work together to survive, exploring exotic islands, meeting new characters, and seeking out the totems of the gods so that you can return home.
Sleeping Gods is a campaign game. Each session can last as long as you want. When you are ready to take a break, you mark your progress on a journey log sheet, making it easy to return to the same place in the game the next time you play. You can play solo or with friends throughout your campaign. It’s easy to swap players in and out at will. Your goal is to find at least fourteen totems hidden throughout the world. Like reading a book, you’ll complete this journey one or two hours at a time, discovering new lands, stories, and challenges along the way.
Sleeping Gods is an atlas game. Each page of the atlas represents only a small portion of the world you can explore. When you reach the edge of a page and you want to continue in the same direction, you simply turn to a new page and sail onward.
Sleeping Gods is a storybook game. Each new location holds wild adventure, hidden treasures, and vivid characters. Your choices affect the characters and the plot of the game, and may help or hinder your chances of getting home!
Release Date October 2020
Viscounts of the West Kingdom

The third instalment in the Red Box line from Shem Phillips (Architects of… and Paladins of…). The previous two were great so pretty high standards are to be expected.
Release Date December 2020