Best Family Games of 2016 so far

Animals on Board


You are trying to get animals onto your ark, but some dude called Noah keeps taking all the pairs! At the end of the game all single animals (1 Giraffe) are worth their numbered value, if you have 3,4 or 5 of one animal type they are all worth the full 5 points. As previously mentioned though, if you only collect 2, Noah nabs them and you get nothing.
The game play is simple. On your turn you either split a group of animals and take a food crate or take one entire group of animals, paying one food per animal in that group and adding them to your Ark. Once you take animals you are out for the round, which ends once everyone but one player has taken animals, leaving the final player with one last action. Reform the remaining animals into one large group and replenish it to 10 and repeat, splitting or taking a group until one player fills their Ark with 10 animals. Most points wins.
Simple, but very deceptively tricky in regards to which animals to split apart and which to take. You may want to take a specific animal group, but you don’t want to leave those two Rhinos together when you know your opponent in collecting them. A great game for families and would be enjoyed by both kids and adults. A single game takes about 20 mins, it’s very reasonable priced and best with 3 or 4 players.



HABA’s first entry in the family game market (traditionally they just release kids games). It’s an excellent little puzzle game in which you place tiles to try and connect your explorers to the respective temples via pathways.
Everyone sets up the game identically, with all the temples and explorers placed on the same spots on each player’s board. The 36 path tiles are all placed face up, except for one person who has them face down. They will now draw them one at a time, calling out the number on the tile. Players will either place the tile on their board, or discard it to move their explorer. These decisions will determine the players’ fates. Same set up, same order of tiles, but what you do with them is they key.
It’s a very quick 20 minute game, with lots of tough decisions. You never play it once, people always want a second crack at it to try and do better. It can be played with 8 years old and up, but adults will most likely beat them as the puzzle aspect can be quite tricky.

Costa Rica


More exploring! This time in the jungles of Costa Rica, where you’re rescuing animals from the evil clutches of poachers. Players create a giant hex board made up of smaller hex tiles and place one of their 6 explorers at each of the corners of the board, forming groups that will move through the jungle. You are looking to collect sets of single types of animals as well as sets of one of each type of animal.
On their turn, a player will move a group of explorers containing one of their own guys one tile and flip it over to reveal the animals on it. They can claim all the tiles they have revealed or pass and let the first player to their left who is also in that group claim the tiles, or they can pass and so on. If no-one wants them, the group move on and reveal another tile repeating the claim process until someone take the tiles. They then remove their guy from the group and can no longer move it. The next player now picks a group to move and decides if they want the tile….keep going until all the explorers have been removed from the board. Some of the tiles contain mosquitoes, turn over two and your turn is over. Finally, the different land types have different probabilities of specific types of animals and mosquitoes, helping you decide where to move the group.
A great fun, push your luck style game. Easy to learn and very engaging, with lots of subtle strategies that reveal themselves to you as you play the game. Again, this would be no problem for an 8 year old and the luck aspect is a nice balancing agent when playing with adults.

Sushi Go Party


Sushi go, the pick and pass drafting game has been a mega-hit among people of all ages over the last few years. Now they have released the ‘Party’ version (its not that ‘partyish’ I’m afraid). It’s still Sushi Go, but now instead of just 11 types of Sushi, you have 22. However, you only play with 11 each game, allowing the game to stay a lot fresher (no-one likes old Sushi) than before. It’s an excellent update to the game, but does contain the original version in it, so if you already own the basic game, you are only getting 11 new Sushi.
This will be no problem for kids as young as 7. There are suggested setups for different levels of difficulty included in the rules.



A game about insider trading on the Stock Market, what fun! Over the course of a set number of rounds, you are trying to get the most cash by investing in stocks. Each round each player secretly get to see how one company’s stock will perform (up, down or payout). Then some shares will become available to buy and players will bid on them. After that you can sell any number of share in turn order, then players reveal what is happening to the different stocks. If they go high enough, the shares double in quantity, but they can also go so low that they bust out and become completely worthless. You will try to read other players bids and sales to read how the shares will perform.
The game has three different levels of play, from a very basic version, right up to a one with very different types of stocks and player abilities.
The basic game can be played by 10 years and up and once they get comfortable with the rules, you can add in the extra knobs and bells. Its a lot of fun, with many screams of delight and pain as share double up or become utterly worthless. Highly recommended.

Gen Con – The new games are coming…

Here they come, I’ve tried to pick games that are likely the most attractive to the IBGC crowd, as well as the hottest new buzz games. Some will be here now, some soon, the odd one may be hard to get (I’m looking at you Agility).



Its a game about training and adopting dogs for dog shows. Its two player only, and the quiet buzz around this one is building. Its by the same design team that did Morals, which was very well regarded but very hard to attain. You play cards to get resources you need to train and get that wonderdog, but the same card also gives you the action you take, which might not necessarily be the one you want. It looks really neat and there are no dog related games out there…I just hope we’ll be able to get it in for you!

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle


Finally a decent Harry Potter game…apparently so. Its a co-operative deck building game in which you try to defend Hogwarts in the final battle against the forces of Voldemort.

Deception: Murder in Hong Kong


A 20 minute deduction game in the vein of One Night Werewolf, but with a lot more going on. The murderer in the game will select a “Key Evidence” and “Means of Murder.” They will tell that to the Forensic Scientist only who will give clue cards to try and help the investigators figure of those two bits of information. The murderer and their accomplice will try to subtly throw them off the trail through misdirection. If the investigators figure out the two pieces of evidence they win, else the murderer escapes.

Potion Explosion


Its Candy Crush the board game with knobs and bells added on. Beautiful box, marbles that slide down like in THAT game. You are trying to collect the marbles to make potions when you connect a set of one colour, they explode and you you get them too. Complete a potion and you can drink it (don’t literally do it, marbles are a choking hazard, for sure) and you get a special power. Light, but apparently a lot of fun. Also, its from Cool Mini or Not, weird.



Here’s the blurb:

“SeaFall is a 4X-inspired game (without player elimination/extermination) set in an “age of sail” world reminiscent of our world.

In SeaFall, the world is starting to claw its way out of a dark age and has begun to rediscover seafaring technology. Players take on the role of a mainland empire that consults with a consortium of advisors to discover new islands, explore those islands, develop trade, send out raiding parties, take part in ship-to-ship combat, and more. As in Risk Legacy and Pandemic Legacy, co-designed by Rob Daviau, SeaFall evolves as the game is played, setting their grudges into the history of the game and building a different narrative at every table as players open up the world.”

You’ll either love it, or think that seems like a lot of work…

Cry Havoc


It has lots of miniatures, very asymmetric powers, lots of upgrades and killing of your opponents. Another reason to never play Risk again.



Another deck-building game, but this time crossed with a dungeon crawl…sounds quite fun. It does have player elimination, but that’s usually your own fault by pushing your luck and taking too much of the dragon’s loot and getting eaten!

Codenames: Pictures


Its Codenames, but with pictures, not words, nuff said.


Honorable mentions also go to:

  • Star Trek Ascention
  • Lotus
  • Captain Sonar

Kennerspiel des Jahres 2016 – Nominations and Thoughts

Its a weird year for this category (the connoisseurs game i.e. a bit more complex than family games). Legacy style games get the nod for the first time. Both TIME Stories and Pandemic Legacy are one time through games and then you are finished with it. Isle of Skye is a more traditional game, but a very good one at that. Who do I think will win, find out later…?

Isle of Skye

isle of sksye

The IBGC staff LOVED this one. Its a really solid Euro style game that plays well from 2-5 and offers a bunch of tough decisions bashed into a 45-60 minute game.

Pandemic Legacy


The #1 rated board game in the universe, its rise has been bonkers and the reception amazing. You play Pandemic until the games tells you to stop playing it like you used to and then all kinds of crazy stuff happens that I can’t tell you. You do get on average, 18 plays out of this game before its done and  then you can frame the board posterity sake. Season Two is coming soon…

T.I.M.E Stories


Go back in time to try and solve a mystery. You have 30 time points to spend to figure it out before you are whisked away and have to try again. Its very unique and original (A decksploration game), the base mystery usually takes about 4 plays to crack and is an extremely satisfying experience. 3 more stories are now available as well which are just the cards you need for a new adventure.

Recommended Games

These games can’t win, but the judges thought they were dope, so gave them a little nod of love!

7 Wonders Duel


7 Wonders was a pretty bad two player game, this one is really good though. Its been on the table a lot at the cafe and offers a lot of replay and strategies for such a little game. Strongly recommended for two player fans.

Blood Rage


Whaaaaaaat, this game has tonnes of over-produced miniatures, those games never get a SDJ mention. Well, don’t let the minatures fool you, this is a Euro game at its heart, with card drafting and area control the main mechanics. Its a good game, just don’t expect any dice rolling.



Same guy who made Isle of Skye did this one too (he also won the KSJ last year with Broom Service as well!). Its the heaviest of all the games. It’s a very well designed game that some say lacks a little theme, but if you like your games with lots of decisions and low luck, it’ll be right up your alley.


IBGC’s Prediction: Pandemic Legacy. The fact you play this game at least 12-24 times (replay-ability is a factor in deciding the winner) and it creates such a strong group experience that sticks with you will give it the nod over Isle of Skye.

Spiel des Jahres 2016 – Nominations and Thoughts.

Game of the Year in English. Its aimed at families and people who like the lighter games, with some nice strategies that don’t melt the brain. Previous winners are games such as Ticket to Ride, Camel Up, Hanabi and Colt Express last year. The Kennerspiel des Jahre is for the meatier games and we’ll talk about them in a later post.



The blurb: “In Codenames, two teams compete to see who can make contact with all of their agents first. Spymasters give one-word clues that can point to multiple words on the board. Their teammates try to guess words of the right color while avoiding those that belong to the opposing team. And everyone wants to avoid the assassin.”

Most predict this is a sure fire, slam dunk, bet your house on it winner. Its hard to disagree, I love the game, everyone I play it with loves it. It plays well with all ages from young to old. Its a fantastic twist on the traditional word games with totally different experiences depending on whether you are the spymaster or team member. The downside is that you really need at least 4 to play it and ideally 6 or more. Vlaada Chvatil is my fave designer ever, so I hope he gets it if only to see people butchering his name.



The blurb: “This is a tile-laying race game with players starting with boards that are identical, and one player drawing tiles that they all will use. They race to get their explorers to temples first and earn points. Along the way they can collect additional points by collecting items off the paths they create.”

This is a very strong year in my opinion and in any other year this would be a sure winner, in fact I have a sneaky suspicion this one may juuuust nick it out from under Codenames feet. Its a really addictive, super puzzley little game that is very simple to learn. Its HABA’s (traditionally a kids game company) first entry into the family market and by Rudiger Dorn a designer that has been around for years and been nominated numerous times, but never won before. Will this be his Revenant!



The blurb: “In Imhotep, the players become builders in Egypt who want to emulate the first and best-known architect there, namely Imhotep. Over six rounds, they move wooden stones by boat to create five seminal monuments, and on a turn, a player chooses one of four actions: Procure new stones, load stones on a boat, bring a boat to a monument, or play an action card. While this sounds easy, naturally the other players constantly thwart your building plans by carrying out plans of their own. Only those with the best timing — and the stones to back up their plans — will prove to be Egypt’s best builder.”

Phil Walker-Harding is becoming the light family game king. He also did Sushi Go! and recent cafe hit Cacao. Its not been released in English yet, but they have rushed it to North America after getting the nomination, so very soon. Reviews have been very positive, with people likening it to Splendor with its ‘one action from 4’ choices, but with a lot more going on. It may be a little bit too much for the SDJ, but for the people who like their light games a little heavy, a solid choice.


These games didn’t make the final 3, but were in strong consideration for the award

Spyfall – awesome party game with thinking and lots of laughs

Animals on Board – great family game for 7-12 year old range, plays best with 4 players, nice price as well.

Die Fiesen 7 – No idea, awaiting Englishification. Its by the Cockroach Poker guy though.

Krazy Wordz – Make weird words about planets or something, again no idea.

Qwinto – We made our own version of this to try it. Really good little dice game. Looking forward to Englishification.


IBGC predited Winner: Karuba, I said it earlier in the year and I’m not going to change my mind now…

Quick Reviews of Two New Games – Onitama and Letter Tycoon



2-player games are always in demand. Simple rules and a lot of depth are important and this one, the third game added to Tom Vassel’s Dice Tower Essentials line (Sheriff of Nottingham and Royals are the other two) definitely has both. The first thing we thought when we heard about this one was, ‘hmmmm, sounds a lot like the Duke.’ If the designer said he wasn’t inspired by that game in making this one, we would say ‘YOU’RE A BIG FAT LIAR!’, possibly allowing a little bit of spittle to escape just to emphasize the point! That’s OK though. The Duke is great, but a little fiddlier to learn and teach, this game streamlines things a lot.

Game play

The object of the game is to either:
a) Capture your opponents Master
b) Move your Master to your opponents pagoda (the starting spot of their Master)

The board consists of a 5*5 grid, with each player starting with their Master and 4 students on the back line. In each game you will randomly select 5 cards from the 16 available. Two are handed to each player and one placed  in the middle. The two cards in front of you depict the moves you are able to take (all your pieces will move the same way). When you take a move, you switch the card you used to move with the card in the middle and then your opponent will take a turn, switching their card after they are done.



That’s it. You only have 5 total ways to move per game. The strategy is there. You need to watch carefully what your opponent can do and what you are enabling them to do when you give up a card. Each game play differently depending on the cards available, but they are quick and intense, lasting just 15 minutes or so. If your not a fan of abstract, chess style games, this probably won’t get you excited. For everyone else though, this one is a little gem. The box is amazing (I mean coffee table nice) and the theme fits really well with the game.

Letter Tycoon


Are you like me? You like word games but wish it wasn’t just about the words, because you don’t know all 106 two letter words and feel sadly proud when you manage a 5 letter word. Well your savior has arrived! Letter Tycoon is a word game and a strategy game in one.

Game play

You are trying to make the most money. You do this by making words and by investing in letters in order to make money off your opponents words as well. On your turn you try to make a word from the 7 letters in your hand and the 3 in the middle of the table. The longer it is the more it pays out. You can then take your money and invest in one of the letters in your word, e.g. your word is CANDY, you may now buy any of the letters C A N D Y if they are available. The more commonly occurring letters cost more and the least frequently seen ones have special powers associated with them. From that point on, every time one of your opponents uses one of your letters, you get a payout. Refresh your hand back to 7 letters and the next player goes. Keep going till one of you reaches a certain amount of money invested in letters and add up all your cash and letter stock values. Most money wins.



Its a word game and most of us enjoy word games. However, its not purely about the words, which gives us non-word people a bit more of chance against the Scrabble boffins. You can’t always make the word you want, because it doesn’t contain any letters you want to buy, or it pays out too much to your opponents. In other words there are still interesting decisions to be made outside of the word game, but it IS still a word game, don’t get me wrong there. However, if Scrabble is the only game that your Dad wants to play, ever, then maybe you can twist his arm to play this one. Oh and it also looks really pretty as well….word!!!