So you like games a lot. You have some friends and they sometimes play with you and don’t mind a game of Catan, but when you bring out the games you really want to play, they run to the hills! It’s a fairly common situation, don’t worry. So how do you meet other people with interests similar to yours? It’s not as hard as you think. Most people are happy to accept nice, well mannered gamers who want to meet new people. You just need to know where to look, here are a few avenues available to you.
Strategy games:
The IBGC Victoria Gamers Facebook group. Just post a request on the group and see what happens. If you say what kind of game you would like to play and when, people will often chime in and a meet-up can be arranged. A lot of people have formed a regular game group out of this.
Day of Board Gamers. This is a twice yearly meet-up of most of the strategy gamers in town. This really is a great way to meet like minded people in an informal situation with loads of games and friendly faces. I highly recommend this to everyone.
QV Bakery on Monday Nights. Its pretty informal and in general, people like to play the lighter strategy games. If you are polite and lovely they will probably let you join in 🙂
There are also a variety of groups to be found through Meetup.com as well
Dungeons and Dragons:
Jeremy, our local D&D guru runs an open sessions on alternating Sunday and Mondays at the Board Game Cafe. Newbies as well as grizzled warriors are welcome. Go here for more info.
Tuesdays, starting around 6 here at the Board Game Cafe. New people wanting to try it out are welcome. They old heads will guide you through your first confusing game. The group to join for more info is here.
Magic the Gathering:
Surely you know where to go!?! Well just in case you don’t, Yellowjacket Comics and Skyhaven games are the two main hangouts.
Star Wars X-Wing:
The group to join for more info is here. The venues to play at are:
Mondays at Triple Play.
Thursdays at Curious Too Comics.
Fridays at Everything Games.
Monday nights at the Moon Under Water Pub.
Board Game Design Victoria:
Interested in game design? Have a game you want people to look at, then join this group to find out where to meet up. Bear in mind it’s a give and take process. You are expected to help test other peoples’ games as well as bring your own (or not, you are always welcome to just test peoples’ prototypes)